Table Identity
Provider Domain
Provider Name
American Academy of Actuaries along with the Society of Actuaries
Table Reference
Joint American Academy of Actuaries' Life Experience Committee and Society of Actuaries Preferred Mortality Oversight Group CSO Development Subgroup, "Report on the 2017 CSO and on the 2017 CSO Preferred Structure Table Development", American Academy of Actuaries, (2015). Appendix C. Accessed: February, 2016 from
Content Type
Table Name
2017 Loaded CSO Preferred Structure Nonsmoker Preferred Male ANB
Table Description
2017 Loaded CSO Preferred Structure Nonsmoker, Preferred, Male, Age Nearest Birthday. Minimum Age: 18. Maximum Age: 95.
The 2017 Commissioners Standard Ordinary Tables (CSO) are a series of mortality tables developed for regulatory uses including CRVM, net premium reserves and non-forfeiture determination. The tables were based on life insurance mortality experience from 2002 to 2009, projected with improvement to 2017. The tables include a margin to cover the variation of individual company’s mortality around the industry mean. Table uploaded: 02/2016. Select rates at ages 0-17 for certain durations and ultimate rates at ages 18-27, 29, 30, 32 and 37 were modified 09/2016. Data verified: 07/2018.